Sunday, May 24, 2009

Style inspiration: Florence & The Machine

I just discovered this singer and I love her, she's an amazing singer! She also has amazing style!
This is clearly shown in these 2 music videos:

"Rabbit Heart (Raise it up)" : the lyrics are extremely poignant, I love the overall ethereal look and the clothes are gorgeous!

"Kiss with a First" : A very fun song, I very desperately want her flower top and her purple skirt. Very, very badly. ;)

I can't wait until their debut cd comes out! (I'm assuming it hasn't, considering "Rabit Heart (Raise it up)" is coming out on June 21st, I might be wrong).


First post: introductions and one of my favourite dresses

Hola! I suppose this should be my formal introduction post, but I'm really bad with introductions, so first I'll say:
1-To find out what this blog is all about, look at the "About" section at the top of the sidebar.
2- To give you a general idea of my style, I now present to you...
My favourite dress!

See better quality pictures here on my flickr. (There are also descriptions, etc...)
I'm wearing it for graduation on Thursday, I'm so excited! You may not see it from the pictures, but the skirt part is actually quite poufy and twirly!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suggestions, comments and feedback post

Do you have a certain style, trend, city, fashion icon you'd like me to cover? Do you have any questions, suggestions, good and/or bad feedback? (Though be nice, only constructive criticism).
This is the place for you!

This is you (and Sabrina) writing to me.
